
Phoenix- (Batman x Starfire) Chptr: 3

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

   Chapter 3: Cat Got Your Tongue?   

     Starfire lay on the floor, drowning in a sea of emotions. Her legs felt weak and her heart ached, detaining her onto the floor; which she had no intention of leaving any time soon. Everything hurt, her body felt like jello and empty after his body had left hers, her calves hurt from the beam, and her wrists stung from the force of his hands detaining hers. Koriand'r couldn't help but bite her lip at the memory of this, her hands quickly covered her face as she shook her head back and forth.

    She groaned, 'what the hell was she thinking?', she had no idea she would encounter anything like this while in Gotham. For what felt like hours Starfire lay on the floor shielding her hands in front of her face. Going over the whole situation over and over again, she hated this, she hated Bruce. Amidst her mental argument with herself she jumped as a cough fluttered through the air. She released her hands from her face and saw Alfred standing over her with a concerned expression.

       "Miss Starfire, is everything alright?" Alfred questioned, reaching out a gloved hand to lift her up. Standing up she swayed a little but then meet Alfred's worrying face, "oh, i- I'm fine" she said, trying to take the uncertainty out from her tone, she gave him a weak smile. But he only responded with a sorrowful expression "It didn't go well I presume" stated Alfred guiding her out from the room and towards the elevator.

        "No it didn't" she whispered curling her hands into a fist. They both walked into the elevator in silence, both staring at the steel doors in front of them until the butler remarked, "I know Master Bruce can come off as well...... Difficult" grinned Alfred, trying to speak lightly of his companion. "But, he truly means well."

      Starfire glanced over at him and crossed her arms "well he sure has a funny way of showing it" she mumbled, watching him giggle in response to her remark. "Yes, yes he does" Alfred noted, leading the Tameranean to her room. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

      The exhausted girl closed the door behind her and quickly made her way towards the bathroom and into the shower. Stepping inside the warm water soothed her, along with her aching muscles. She just stood there for minutes, feeling utter bliss from the bullets of water pouring down on her in clusters. Starfire hadn't felt this relaxed since, well since she came here and didn't intend on leaving the watery oasis. Slowly she worked her hands through her long crimson hair, growing more relaxed by each second.

      Time passed by and Starfire's hands became pruney, she quickly hopped out of the shower wrapping a cotton towel around her curvey body. She looked around her room admiring its sophistication and style, her eyes wandering around the gleaming furniture and eliquant patterns around the room. 

   Her green eyes finally made their way to the bed, the memory of her and Dick laying down togeather filled her mind causing a solemn frown to creep onto her lips. 'It was kinda funny' the Tameranean thought, 'how she had been apart from Dick for years now, but after reconnecting with him once again, it pained her to be apart from him.'

        Starfire walked over to where her laptop was sitting, staring at the silver front. Feeling the urge to call Dick she reached for the metallic cover but stopped abrulty when a loud gurgle thundered from her stomach. 'Hunger' she initioally thought as the sound eminating from her gut sounded once more. 

     Abandoning the laptop Starfire changed her course to her dresser and decided to get dressed. Flipping through her array of clothes she finally agreed upon a pair of black leggings and a stripped white and navy blouse. Koriand'r slipped on the form fitting clothes and side parted her hair so her side bangs flowed down the right side of her face.

         The tameranean closed her door and started to make her way to the kitchen, trying to remember the way there from when Dick showed her around yesterday. Starfire skipped along down the hall resfreshed by her shower and giddy at the thought of a nice breakfast that would soon make its way into her empty stomach. 
    Each step she took made her feel soo much better, she had to admit that beforehand she felt like this entire stay was going to be a rollercoaster ride. But, now she felt like the worst was over and she had a feeling that today was going to be a great day and nothing, not even Batman could ruin it for her.

          The now hopeful girl pranced down the stairs and heard a mixture of voices down the hall. She followed towards the farmilliar voices and made her way past multiple rooms until she arrived into the kitchen.

         The glorious smell of eggs floated through the air as Starfire walked inside the kitchen. The room was filled with an overflowing amount of sunlight which in turn amplified the white room. As Starfire's eyes adjusted to the overpowering light, her vision became clearer, Alfred stood next to a sizzling stove where multiple eggs were being cooked on a silver skillet. Walking further into the room Bruce sat next to a white table holding a newspaper. 

     The voices hushed as Koriand'r's  prescense was known, Alfred turned towards her with a welcoming smile, though she felt something was wrong. "Good morning, I see you're looking a lot better than before" the butler gleamed. Bruce still englufed in his newspaper retorted towards the girl without taking his eyes off the paper, "why weren't you better beforehand? You did get a good nights rest I assume?" questioned the man, his voice sounded concerned but Starfire could feel the mocking behind his words. 

      Instead of answering him, she just stood there staring at him, embarassement plastered over her face. The room was completely silent until a woman's voice broke the silence, "Who the hell is the orange skinned chick?" Blurted the voice.

       Starfire looked over towards where the voice was coming from. Next to the window was tall girl, probably around her mid-20's, black pixy cut hair with bangs swopped towards the left, green playful eyes, along with form fitting leggings and a black top. Alfred looked back from the older girl to the Tameranean, "her name is Starfire" stated Alfred, assessing the situation unfolding before him.

      The black haired girl prowled towards Starfire with caution, just as a feline would. Koriand'r stood her ground eyeing the unacquainted female, crossing her arms together she retorted, "And who are you suppose to be?" The girl laughed, completely amused by Starfire's question, her voiced thundered in her small but curvy body. "Ahhhh you're cute kid. I'm Catwoman couldn't you have guessed?" She chuckled, advancing no longer and leaning over the counter behind the table Bruce was sitting at. Who was still reading his paper, having no interest with what was going on with the two girls.

         "So Starfire how old are you?" Catwoman questioned twerling an apple that lay on the counter.  Changing her posture, Starfire leaned over the back of a white chair copying Catwoman's position, and forming a snarky smile on her face. "How old are you?" Koriand'r copied, the smile turned into an evil grin. The black-haired girl only laughed louder at the girls remark, she straightened herself up still grasping the apple. But quickly threw it towards the orange skinned girl. "I'm 23, how old are you 10?" She mocked  

    Starfire caught the apple with ease and started moving the apple around in her palm. She stayed quiet for a while staring at the green apple, her attention soon went back towards the girl. "Ohhh that's cute. When I was thinking of Catwoman I imagined well... you know a woman not some college kid." Laughed Starfire, her wide grin quickly turning into an evil smirk, she threw back the fruit to her opponent with great force.

     Catwoman swiftly caught the object and started twerling it by the stem until she changed her tactics, seeming as she didn't hear Koriand'r's remark she eyed her up and down "So kid what's up with the whole orange skin and green eyes get up?" Catwoman questioned, tossing the apple back at her. Starfire caught the apple and stood up straight, causing the white chair to bang as the back legs fell back to the ground stabilizing it. 

      Starfire's emotions quickly started to boil at the attitudes of the people around here, she came here to help not be patronized let alone mocked and harassed. "I'm not some kid I'm 19 years old, and I'm a Tameranean" she shouted, losing the composure to give back some snarky retort she chucked the apple at her opponents head. With ease the black-haired girl caught the apple once more, satisfaction was beaming off of her as it was obvious that she had pushed some buttons, but she wasn't done just yet.

       Catwoman ignored Starfire and turned her attention towards the onyx haired man at the table between them, who had clearly not been phased or responsive to the showdown between the two girls. "Wow Bruce, I knew you were a dog but 19 woww I wouldn't have guessed. Not to mention you hunting around for exotic little aliens like herself, very interesting." She purred the apple came spinning back towards Starfire with a nonchalant throw by Catwoman.

        Everyone stared at Bruce waiting for a response but he cooley turned the page. But Starfire's face was already flussed at her tedious remark and her toes curled as she restrained herself from doing anything rash. "I'm not some random bimbo." She hissed "I came here to help while Dick is away, as a favor." The apple came spirling back towards Catwoman who caught it whilst in the middle of a booming laugh she leaned against the counter to support her shaking body as she countinued to laugh.

        "Ohhhh sure. You're doing Dick a favor alright...or maybe it's Dick who's doing Bruce a favor." She continued "Tall dark and handsome billionaire all alone, forced to train a young redhead." She winked at Koriand'r. "Tell me in sparring does he go easy on you or is he rough? Cuz that's the way you like it... don't you?" Catwoman lured. The apple was thrown back and Starfire stumbled to catch it, her face was blushing and she tried her best to hide her trembles. 

      "W-what. N-no t-thats not..... no!!!" the red head stammered. The pixie haired woman strided towards Starfire, her emerald eyes sparkling, "what's matter Cat got your tongue?" She teased "or is it Bruce?" Bruce's  eyes quickly shot up from his reading at the remark but just as fast as they left the page went back to it without anyone else noticing what had occurred. 

      The Tameranean's face had gone completely red at Catwoman's last comment, her mouth completely open, stunned and embarrassed by the sly and cruel words. As Catwoman finally arrived in front of the more than flustered girl she picked up the apple that lay in Starfire's trembling hands and bit into ripe granny smith with a face filled with accomplishment and amusmant. It was clear that Catwoman had ironically became victorious in their devious game of cat and mouse.

          Suddenly the black-haired girl had burst out in laughter once more, but then wrapped an arm around the still trembling girl. "She's sassy Bruce, I like her." She gleamed "yup you and I are going to get along just fine." Still shaken up by what had occurred Starfire just stood there stunned not expecting that reaction from her, especially after their spat before. But, Catwoman's new friendliness slowly began to put her at ease making her feel more comfortable than before.

      The two sat down next to the table together making friendly conversation as Alfred continued making breakfast and Bruce sat silently reading. The two new companions were starting  to get along, besides everyone's prediction that they definitely would not. Alfred turned off the stove swirlded around gracfilly placing two giant plates in front of the two girls, the plates were filled with vegetable and cheese filled omletes as well as a variety of fruit and buttered toast. 

      Both of the girls eyes widened at the mouth watering breakfast, "Alfred you never cease to amaze me" Catwoman playfully winked at him. The older man gave her a warming smile "Ms. Kyle you never cease to flatter me." He replied turning his attention back towards the dishes that needed cleaning.

       Starfire glanced over at Catwoman "Ms. Kyle?" the Tameranean questioned with a mouth full of omletes making her words barely comprehendible. Catwoman hunched over the table in laughter at Starfire's curiosity and more of the fact that she sounded ridiculous and adorable with food in her mouth.

           "My names Selina Kyle" she explained letting out a couple more laughs until she had calmed down. Getting into a more serious state she looked at Starfire and said, "but when were not here you have to call me Irena, Irena Dubrovna." Swollowing the rest of the food that was in her mouth she titled her head and leaned closer to Selina. "Why would I have to do that?" she questioned. 

        Without notice Bruce sat down his paper and stared into the Tameranean, his expression demanding and stoutly. "That's because starting tomorrow you will be accompanying  me around during the day whether it is for undercover mission purposes or for our routine visits to Wayne Enterprises. You'll need to stay undercover most of the time during the day." Bruce stated, his cold blue eyes never leaving hers, which made her insides feel uneasy.

       He slid a small black box across the table, halting in front of Starfire's plate. She stared at the box for a couple of seconds and quickly reached towards it and opened it to find a gold ring with a single ruby in the center. The red head stared back over at Batman waiting for him to continue. "That ring is a holographic generator, you'll be able to disguise yourself as a person during the day. Its resistant to almost everything and can only be turned on off or taken off by Alfred or myself. That's all you need to know for now." He stated. 

         Starfire slipped the ring on her right index finger  admiring it, but quickly winced as the ring auotmatically fastened itself on her finger, now understanding what he meant. Soon after Bruce stood up from the table, plainly acknowlidingly them, "if you'll excuse me ill be getting back to work." He motioned, then quickly strided out of the room.
         Moments later, Koriand'r chased after him down the hallway surprised how far he had gotten in such breif seconds. "Wait!" She called to him, begging him to stop. He stood in place as he waited for the girl to greet him where he stood. She approached him breathlessly, and sort of became embarrassed that it would've been more practical to just fly towards him. "Mr. Wayne, umm sir, I know we didn't get off on the right foot and all and I'm sorry I was late this morning, but I'll try my best I can promise you that." Starfire declared, feeling a lot more confident than she had been the  last couple encounters.

         Bruce just stood there for a second staring her down, he soon advanced towards her, his face only inches way from hers. "Look I don't need some little kid here to do an adults job. The real reason your here isn't because I wanted you here it's because of Dick. You have to earn my trust AND my respect, and so far you're doing a stand up job at that" he mocked. Bruce swiftly made his way down to the hall and turned the corner, leaving a wounded and teary eyed Starfire in his wake.

        Koriand'r stared towards the direction that Bruce had just dissapeared from, she shook her head frowning, she really was wrong before, the one thing that could get in her way was Bruce. Starfire made her way back the the kitchen somberly, muttering venomous things about Batman along the way. She was starting to understand how Dick felt growing up in the cold shadow of Bruce, and she prayed that Dick's trip wouldn't take any longer than it should.

      Starfire finally arrived back in the kitchen dragging her feet along with her then collapsing into a chair, Selina and Alfred both looked towards the defeated girl and back at eachother. "Should I even bother asking if that went well?" Hinted Selina, sliding into the seat next to Starfire. The troublesome girl shot her an aggitated look, raising both crimson eyebrows, "does it ever go well?" Starfire snapped, letting her throbbing head rest on the table. 

         Catwoman let out an amused chuckle and proceeded to rub the Tameranean's back in a soothing motion. "Don't worry Red, the Bats will warm up to you eventually" she reasurred her. Without raising her head Starfire whined, "everyone keeps saying that but I have a hard time believing that."

        Interupting the conversation, Alfred turned towards the girls,"Excuse me Madames, if you don't mind I must get back to work as well. But, before I go Master Wayne requires me to activate your ring as a test run while you are in the estate for today." he explained pulling his attention towards his watch Alfred punched in multiple things for a while and then faced back to Catwoman and Starfire. 

       "Wait huuuh?" Mumbled Starfire to look at the well dressed butler in utter confusement. "Master Bruce wants you to test out the holographic generator today so you can be prepared to go to Gotham with him tomorrow" he clarified "it will take a couple minutes to active so be prepared for the changes. If you need anything I'm always around". Alfred nodded and smiled  to each of them and then walked out of the room politely. After Alfred had left the room the Tameranean slumped back down onto the table letting her hands cover the sides of her head. "Come on Starfire don't be like that woh woh OH MY GOD!" Selina yelled.

        Koriand'r lifted her head in annoyance "what are you talking about .... wait what!!!" Screamed Starfire. Looking down at her now white hands she screamed on more. She ran out of the kitchen in complete dismay stumbling to find a mirror in the hallway. Finally Starfire fell in front of a tall mirror that stood at the end of the hallway, her mouth hung open in disbelief. She now had light pale skin and auburn brown hair that waved down to her hips. Her eyes an aqua colored with a hint of green around her pupils. 

        The girl in the mirror she knew was her, her figure and size along with her face structure hadn't completely changed. But, for her skin, hair, and eyes were what took her off balance. Catwoman finally caught up to the starstrucked girl, acting just as astonished as she was. In the midst of the silence Selina blurted out "Damn Starfire you look hot". The now embarrassed girl's face turned pink with this comment and exaimed in the mirror the small clusters of light freckles that sat under her eyes.

          "Ok I definitely wasn't expecting this" Starfire admitted spinning around as she examined herself in the mirror 'so this is what its like to be human' she thought silently to herself. Selina looked over at Starfire with a devious grin on her face "this is great! Now no one will no who you are" she exclaimed seizing up Koriand'r once more. "What's with the weird look in your eyes right now?" Asked Starfire, contimplating what was going on in the cats devilish mind of hers. 

        "I have an idea" Selina purred dangling the Lamborghini keys in front of her friend.  The Tameranean's eyes widened at the sight on the keys, which she knew clearly weren't Catwoman's. "Noo no no, we cant" she insisted shaking her head in refuseal. "Come on Red, would you rather spend your afternoon with down there" she pointed towards the Batcave "or... would you rather go on a little road trip." Selina tempted, swinging the keys around her finger playfully. The now brunette haired girl stared at Selina for a brief second and then snatched the keys from her hand, a mischeiful smile on her face. "So where did you have in mind?" Asked Starfire as they made their way down the long corridor

Yea yea I know I haven't been on here in forever... Senior year honestly stink so, everyone tells you how easy it is and how you should enjoy it but this college stuff totally blows and I'm way too stressed! Also the fencing session for school just started and I'm captain of the team so that's pretty cool. But yea I feel bad about not being active on here so here's the 3rd chapter of Phoenix! Also I know Starfire is a total mess in this but that's sort of the point. After everything with the New Teen Titans she was really messed up and went through trying to find herself. So for this story I wanted her to be a bit of a bitchy teenager and develop into finding herself. Also, we know Tamaraneans are very tied to their emotions so this makes Starfire's situation even more. 
© 2015 - 2024 SerinaSeras
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espero que actualices😭😭